My mini vacation at home has ended and I'm back in the desert. I have to admit these past couple of days have been tough because I have been so home sick. I didn't think it was possible considering I haven't lived "home" in years. Alas, my new nephew, the pending job hunt and traveling boyfriend have left me feeling a smidgen bit underwhelmed with Phoenix. At my dad's suggestion I didn't return to home empty handed. I brought back a friend. Well he wasn't really a friend at first, he peed on my floor, refused to eat what I served him, and growled at me a couple of times. Meet Bono:

He's a Pekinese and something else (aka mutt). My aunt whose job keeps her away from home most of the time, thought it best to give him to someone who had the time to be take care of Bono. And yes he is named after the U2 singer. Bono has tested my patience in more ways than one. Don't let that cute face fool you. On the flight over he was nicknamed "Bark-ems" by the woman in the seat behind me and he tried to escape from that traveling bag the entire flight.
Bono came with the leash below. Poor leash told the story of Bono's temperament, in a word, it was a hot mess. Since we were gonna be starting fresh, new rules, new dog-to-owner relationship, I figured we might as well start by freshening up this raggedy leash.
Hot mess leash
I used a little acrylic paint and a lot of creativity to cover the scratched surface. I sanded the scratches down a little bit and started with two coats of white paint. The white paint makes it possible fro the other colors to really pop.
One side of the leash...totally matches his Diva attitude!
The other side is simple and totally reflects my style (i.e. polka dots)
This is a fun way to customize any leash new or an old hot mess. Now the leash looks put together, we are still working on Bono.
Life Is Delicious... Go Taste It!